July 31, 2018 to August 6, 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Parton-pseudo distribution functions from Lattice QCD

Aug 1, 2018, 2:30 PM
Hall A (Arts Bldg.)

Hall A

Arts Bldg.

Invited talk B: Light quarks Light quarks


Savvas Zafeiropoulos


The light-cone definition of Parton Distribution Functions (PDFs) does not allow for a direct ab initio determination employing methods of Lattice QCD simulations that naturally take place in Euclidean spacetime. In this presentation we focus on pseudo-PDFs where the starting point is the equal time hadronic matrix element with the quark and anti-quark fields separated by a finite distance.  We focus on Ioffe-time distributions, which are functions of the Ioffe-time $\nu$,  and can be understood as the Fourier transforms of parton distribution functions with respect to the momentum fraction variable $x$. We present lattice results for the case of the nucleon and we also perform a comparison with the pertinent phenomenological determinations.


Savvas Zafeiropoulos Kostas Orginos (William and Mary - Jlab) Prof. Anatoly Radyushkin (ODU and JLAB) Mr Joseph Karpie (College of William & Mary) Alexander Rothkopf (Heidelberg University)

Presentation materials