July 31, 2018 to August 6, 2018
Maynooth University
Europe/Dublin timezone

Review of phenomenological analyses of \eta \pi resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment activities and recent results

Aug 3, 2018, 5:40 PM
Hall A (Arts Bldg.)

Hall A

Arts Bldg.

Invited talk B: Light quarks Light quarks


Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)


In this talk I will review the recent analyses and other activities carried
out by the JPAC collaboration. In particular, the phenomenological analysis of
the COMPASS data on $\eta \pi$ and $\eta' \pi$ partial waves, with the goal of
determining in a robust way the pole position of the hybrid meson $\pi_1(1400)$,
as well as the ordinary mesons $a_2(1320)$ and the $a'_2(1700)$


Arkaitz Rodas Bilbao (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Presentation materials