Local Committee RPC 2018 Workshop Meeting
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Universidad Iberoamericana.
Prol. Paseo de la Reforma 880, México city. CP 01219
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Organization and planning for the RCP 2018 Workshop in Mexico city.
Salvador Carrillo
- Rinaldo Santonico (Chair Int. Committee Rome, Italy)
- Guy Paic (UNAM, Mexico city)
- Isabel Pedraza (BUAP, Puebla)
- Eduard de la Cruz (CINVESTAV, Mexico city)
- Antonio Ortiz (UNAM, Mexico city)
- Cristina Oropeza (IBERO, Mexico city)
- Fabiola Vázquez (IBERO, Mexico city)
- Salvador Carrillo (IBERO, Mexico city)
We were very please to have the participation from Rinaldo Santonico, and with all the key point he presented and pointed out to the Local Organizing Committee.
- We presented the Web page, and we discuss about the dates: Rinaldo Santonico mention that for the Chinesse visitors, the end of the year celebrations was partially overlapped with the end of the Workshop.
- Also Rinaldo Santonico mention the important of having one afternoon program to discuss about new perspectives of RPC participation in new or establish experiments in the near future, and also inviting HAWC, etc.
- Guy Paic expressed his interest in the multi gap RPC detectors that are being build in his Lab in UNAM, Ciencias Nucleares. He accepted to strongly participate and to have part of the student workshop in his lab and having Antonio Ortiz as part of the contact person and organizer.
- Fabiola Vázquez and Cristina Oropeza will form part of the group responsible for the Proceedings. R. Santonico gave strong advice concerning that this is a hard work, and we must take care and keep a strong track of the dates.
- Cecilia Uribe presented the Indico Web Page of the Workshop (Now is not public, it will be set as public) and he adapted the same dates used in RPC2016 in Ghent. The dates are very similar since in 2016. She will take care of checking that the dates do not correspond to weekends, etc. She also made an open invitation to all Local Committee to have full access as editors to the Indico CERN web page of the conference. Some date were reviewed and it was proposed that receive the abstracts up to the end of October 2017.
- Fabiola Vázquez presented the proposed Social Program and that last year she visited the places and made some pre-arrengments in advance. We will have a final typical mexican mariachi dinner. And a Trip to the "Piramides o Teotihuacan" Probably Saturday Morning.
- At the end of the meeting Isabel Pedraza requested a list of pending taks so people can sign in and participate. Salvador Carrillo will have the list ready and will update in this indico and sent to all Local Committee participants to see how they can join for the pending work.
- Officially the Workshop will be hosted by 3 universities and institutes from Mexico:
- Ciencias Nucleares UNAM, Mexico city
- BUAP, Puebla.
- Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico city
- Antonio Ortiz will ask for help in UNAM for the poster design, and he will give us some feedback soon.
- We decided to have in two weeks the full web-page, program, poster, indico, ready to present and ask for feedback from the International Committee to put public and advertise the RPC2018 Workshop. This mens we have to work hard this next two weeks to accomplish this part.
- Finally we put some important interest in the sponsors (local). Salvador has the contacts form last year RPC conference, and he will make contact back again to look for local sponsors (most possible from USA).
- At the end we acknowledge our gratitude to the International Committee to the support to have this very important meeting in Mexico.
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