TRD Weekly Meeting


TRD weekly meeting 17.07.2017

attendees: Oliver, Yvonne, Klaus, Ole, Jens, Sebastian, Tom, Martin, Benjamin, Alexander, Johanna

minute taker: Ole


status at P2

*TRD LMEs at 00-0-1 A/B and 02-1-1 A could not be recovered
    -> further investigation needed

*New Xe should arrive at some point next week

*HV recovery by DCS shifter failed twice last week for known problematic channels. Sebastian ramped the channels more slowly to recover them. Automatic recovery uses only one ramp speed. Reduce ramp speed for second recovery procedure? Speed probably not the most important factor for tripping... But could be tried anyways.
Another idea: implement automatic adjustment for known problematic chambers
    -> start first with a slower ramp speed for the second try (will be implemented by Oliver)

*Leave chambers OFF in case their voltage is below a certain threshold?
    -> We need to correlate the chamber status in the OCDB with the voltage settings (Benjamin tries to check this)


TRD PID: exchange PID performance figures in TRD paper?

follow-up from Yvonne
* keep the missing slices cut or not? If we do we select tracks with a high specific energy loss and therefore not necessarily typical tracks. This leads to a much better (artificial) performance. In the analysis we do not apply this cut.
    -> Johanna proposes to not use the missing slices cut and keep also LQ3D in the plot
    -> truncated mean result is using missing slices cut (cannot be redone). NN also uses the missing slices cut 
        -> don't show NN result from Linus
        -> Martin will redo his analysis w/o missing slices cut

pion-eff vs. e-eff 
    -> remove truncated mean or not? Does not hurt to keep it
pion-eff vs. N_ly 
    -> should definitely be shown, but looks weird without missing slices cut 
        -> check again the numbers (higher statistics available)



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