Hello and welcome, I'm Alex and this is a tutorial on how to customise the layout and menu of your indico pages. LET’S NOW LOOK AT HOW YOU CAN CUSTOMISE THE LAYOUT OF YOUR INDICO PAGES You can customise the layout of your Indico pages, while in MANAGEMENT mode, BY CLICKING ON “LAYOUT”, UNDER THE TAB “CUSTOMISATION”. Under the “GENERAL” Section, you have a few options available, such as the possibility to enable search on your pages, among others. Then, under the “HEADER STYLE” section, You can click on the box and select the colours you want for your text, and for the background of your Indico pages. …Under the “ANNOUNCEMENT” Section, you can write in text for an announcement and enable it below the title. Under the “Timetable” Section, you can change your Indico theme Style, you can decide whether you want to group your entries in your timetable by room, and you can choose to always show a more detailed view of the timetable as a default. Then, in the “THEME” Section, you can select one of the available default colours as your Theme for your indicO pages. Otherwise, you can upload a CSS file with your code, so you will be able to COMPLETELY customise your pages. Finally, you can upload a logo for your event, click on “choose from your computer” or drag and drop the file in the corresponding area to do so. LET’S NOW TAKE A LOOK ON HOW TO CUSTOMISE YOUR MENU IN INDICO You can customise the appearance of your Indico Menus, by clicking on “MENU”, UNDER THE TAB “CUSTOMISATION”, while on management mode. Select “Yes” on the right so that you can start customising the menus on your pages. Here you can click on the eye icon to show or stop showing a particular BLOCK. then you can drag and drop the BLOCK to change their order, and you can click on the pencil to edit the titles of the menu blocks. To add another block to your menus you can click “Add an entry”, THEN ON EITHER “Add link”, or “Add page”. For example, you can add a page titled “accommodation” where you will show some photos of the hostel where participants of the conference can stay, and so on. You can also add a spacer that will separate two blocks, like this… Click on “Switch to display view” to see the changes to your menu that you just made. Congratulations! You just customised the layout and menu of your indico pages. Thank you for your attention and see you at the next tutorial.