======================== Hello and welcome, I’m Alex and this is a tutorial on how to get a transcript in text format of any of your videos. ==================== An interesting feature of Youtube is that it automatically creates a transcript of any video that you upload or that is already available on the site. This can come in handy when you need to write a transcription of a lecture, a voice recording you made or of any video content that features some form of speech. Instead of manually writing the transcript, you can use youtube’s automatic transcription feature. If you have a video of a lecture for example, on the youtube homepage while logged in with your youtube account (you can easily create one if you haven’t done so already), click on the arrow near the notifications icon, at your top right side of the screen. Select whether you want your video to be public or private (in case you don’t want anyone to be able to see it). You can click on the “select files to upload” area and search for your file, or you can simply drag and drop the file you want to upload. Click on “Completed” once the video is ready to be uploaded. Click on the video link and you will be able to view the video you just uploaded. Now we need to activate the automatic transcription feature in order to download the subtitles of the video. Click on your account icon at the top right of the screen and click on “CREATOR STUDIO”. Now click on “Video manager”, on your left banner. Click on the drop down list at the right of “Edit”, and then on “subtitles”. Now, click on “Add new subtitles” and select the language that suits your needs. Youtube will perform and automatic translation regardless of the language spoken in your video. Now the subtitles will appear once the automatic transcription process is finished. You can refresh the page after having waited for a few minutes, a new button under “Add new subtitles” should appear, click on it. In this page you will be able to take a look at the subtitles of your video as it progresses. Now return to your video, and now you will be able to access a full transcript of the subtitles to your video. Under your youtube account picture, click on “More”, and select “transcription”. Now select the subtitles in the language you chose before, and they will appear in the text box. Now you can simply copy and paste the entire video transcript into your favorite text editor. Now you have the full transcript of your video with the timestamps for every sentence. In case you only want the text without the timestamp numbers, you easily find and replace all numbers in the document using Microsoft Word. To do this, click on the “Edit tab”, and go to “Find”, and then on “Replace”. Here you can replace all characters you want to modify or eliminate from the document. For example, in our case we want to eliminate all numbers (the timestamps) from the document. Click on the gear icon for advanced options, and click on the “Replace tab”. Here you have to click on the arrow ad your left, and make sure you select “use wildcards”. Now, in the “find what” field, type 0 to 9, and put the numbers in square brackets first, and then put everything in round brackets. This will make it possible to select all numbers from 0-9. Since we want to eliminate all the numbers from the document completely, we are going to leave the “replace with” field empty. Now click on “Replace all”. AS YOU CAN SEE, ALL THE NUMBERS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED FROM THE DOCUMENT YOU DON’T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT ELIMINATING NUMBERS THAT THE VOICE IN YOUR VIDEO PRONOUNCES, BECAUSE THEY WILL BE WRITTEN DOWN IN LETTER FORM, LIKE THESE ONES. AS WE SAID, ALL THE NUMBERS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED FROM THE DOCUMENT, BUT WE STILL HAVE THE COLONS LEFT FROM THE TIMESTAMPS. To definitively eliminate all the colons, simply type a colon in the “find what” field, and as before, we are going to leave the “replace with” field empty. Click on “replace all” and your document is ready. Now your document is clean, and you have a full transcript of your video without the timestamps. ===============SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE SMILE ===================== CONGRATULATIONS, YOU NOW KNOW HOW TO get a transcript in text format of any of your videos THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION, AND SEE YOU IN THE NEXT TUTORIAL.