BLonD code development meeting

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS (CERN)

864/2-B14 - SALLE J.B.ADAMS


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* next blond meeting wont be in 2 weeks Friday
    * perhaps in 2 weeks Tuesday
* Helga brief on parameter renaming
* Helga brief on logger
* Helga brief on sanity_check
* Helga brief on new profile (slices) classes
* Action point Markus test GP for the various input types
* two issues reported by Markus
    1) line 280 and 284 of trackers/ bug missing parenthesis
    2) passing a byte string for the solver will fail on the C side
* Action point Konstantinos start working on the assembler
    * The code is ready
* Action point Konstantinos add a unittest utilities file
    * with methods for comparing lists of numbers with assertEqual and no
* Action point Joel: clean up profile add docs, unittest, etc
* Action point Markus write example/unittest similar to EX5Wake_impedance
* Konstantinos presentation:
    * latest profiling results from LHC testcase
    * New hamiltonian C function
    * The bottleneck is induced_voltage_sum, rf_voltage_calculation and
    * New parallel histogram, using dynamic memory allocation to avoid having to
      set an upper limit on the number of slices
* Konstantinos focus on PhD paper submission
* The code cleanup and the assembler should have been finished by the end of the year
* New functionality to be added: Input from file directly into preprocess
* Helga suggests to decide on and use default formats for input/ output files


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