_____________________ 1 *********Submit a document (text, images, videos) in CDS (Example: Thesis)********* _____________________ Hello and welcome, this is a tutorial on how to submit a document on the CERN document server (CDS). On the CDS main page, Click on the Submit Tab. Some submissions are public, but most of the submit functions require a CERN account, so make sure that you are logged in. Click on the Type of submission you want, for example CERN departmental notes. Please make sure you read the description at the top of the pages before submitting your document. Each submissions has different fields and details to pay attention to. At your right, you can see buttons relevant to your submission. Most of the submissions have at least four buttons. A button for submitting the actual document. Then we have A button to Modify the Metadata, information such as the Duration, format of the file etc. Then we have A button to Transfer files This will be useful if you click on the submit function but don’t end up actually uploading the document. You will be able to come back to the upload using a report number, which is automatically generated. For example If you don’t have the right files at the right moment. Then we have a button to Submit a Revised Version. As we said before, CDS is THE CERN institutional repository, with the idea that there is no deletion of documents. Instead, these documents are simply modified, revised. You should never try to delete a document if you make a mistake, you should instead simply revise your previous version of the same document by using the revise function. If you simply would like to do a test in order to see how CDS works, it is advisable to use the CDS test environment as opposed to this CDS production environment. You can find this test environment at this URL. cds-test.cern.ch Let’s first see how the Submit a Document function works: Click on the Submit a document button. Once again, it is useful to always read the description at the top for each submission type. Each submission type will have specific indications. Here you have several options, make sure that you fill the mandatory ones. First, a field that is common with many submission types, even if in this case it’s not mandatory, is the selection of the experiment and the accelerator. In this case, for this submission type we only have to select the experiment. Type in the title for your submission. With many submission types you will have to include the abstract, which can be inserted I Markup standards. Select the subject category. Then, A very common field is the authors, you can start typing a CERN user and suggestions will appear. If you want to include a custom author, please remember this format: Lastname, Firstname: Affiliation Type in other fields specific to the submission you’ve chosen, like in this case for language of the document, and then Creation date of notes Then we have the copyright and the license which are common to most of the submissions, which you can leave by default. ============== Finally, you have the actual upload of the file, You can browse and look for your file, so the record can be created. For some submissions there is an option to continue without uploading the actual file, and uploading it later. Using the “Transfer file” button we mentioned before. You Will have to use the automatically generated report number. Once you have filled all the relevant information, especially the mandatory ones, and you have uploaded your file, you can Submit your document. For this you simply will have to click on “finish selection”. One thing that is important to remember here is that the upload may last for more than half an hour, therefore you need to be careful to not go back and click on “finish selection” again, which would trigger another upload. Simply wait for the confirmation that your document upload has been finished. Congratulations, now you know how to submit a document on the CERN document server (CDS). Thank you for your attention, and see you in the next tutorial!