Higgs & Top at LHeC



CERN - Tokyo - Liverpool - Johannesburg - Beijing - Hamburg

Satoshi presented his results on 'up-down scale factor' between the
LHeC and FCC analyses.  Assuming the shape of BDT of signal and each
background processes is common between two colliders, the 'scaled' BDT
results in the invisible upper limits that are about 20% different
from 'correct' analyses in which BDT are tuned using the events
generated for that collider.  He showed BDG distributions tuned at
each collider.  While the signal BDT shapes are similar, some
background processes show unsimilar BDT distributions between the

Tatsuyuki is at CERN and working on H->bb BDT analysis with help fro Tanaka-san.

Kechen worked on SUSY slepton and gaugino search at LHeC/FCC and these
results will be shown by Monica in the LHeC workshop.  He himself will
show singly charged Higgs results in the WS via vidyo connection.

Siba from Columbia joined.  He is working on BSM Higgs phenomenology
at future ep collider and will present his results in the WS via vidyo

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