Jul 4 – 12, 2018
Europe/Athens timezone
Group photo: indico.cern.ch/event/663474/images/19808-ICNFP_2018_Group_Photo.JPG

Snowball Chamber: A Super-cooled Approach to Dark Matter Detection

Not scheduled
Poster Presentation Poster Session


Mr Corwin Knight (SUNY Albany)


As higher mass particles are eliminated as possibilities in the search for dark matter, it is important to explore new types of detectors that are more specialized at looking for lower mass particles. For this purpose, super-cooled water has been explored as a target material for future detectors. This talk will go over the motivations for a detector of this type, the operational data that has been collected—including the first evidence of radiation induced nucleation of super cooled water, and additional applications beyond searching for dark matter.


Mr Corwin Knight (SUNY Albany) Prof. Matthew Szydagis (SUNY Albany) Cecilia Levy (SUNY Albany)

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