Introduction about CENF Task Force (S.Bordoni)
See slides
Introduction about WG3: experimental xsec (S.Bolognesi)
See slides.
- Model-dependence of the xsec analyses ('Monte Carlo pollution of data' @U.Mosel)
is a very important issue. This group should keep working on that and advertise widly
- How the work in WG3 interplays with the work of WG4 (Sensitivities studies)?
This WG3 should give inputs to WG4 about important uncertainties in cross-section modelling,
WG4 will test how much such uncertainties affect the oscillation analysis,
then WG3 should propose a strategy (measurements, dedicated experiment, ND design) to address such issue
In general the interplay between most of the WG is very large, having one joint
meeting between all WG2 per month should help streamline the interactions.
- The needed precision in the detector calibration to perform measurements at %-level should always be kept in mind!
In particular for next generation experiments where the sensitivity comes from the shape of the
neutrino energy spectrum (eg, first + second maximum at DUNE).
The energy spectrum has complicated systematics on neutrino cross-section
and detector modelling which are tightly cvonvoluted together and difficult to disentangle
- Proposal for topics at next meeting(s)
-- Model-dependence of cross-section measurements
-- Status of theoretical understanding of Deep Inelastic Scattering
-- Cern information about test beam possibilities
-- plans for ESS superbeam studies (lower energy than T2(H)K and DUNE but similar problems: C/O, nue, ...)
-- Status and plans for NuPRISM and TITUS
WAGASCI cross-section measurements (B.Quilain)
See slides
- Today we had a nice introduction about WAGASHI status and plans.
Studies to project the sensitivity of C/O xsec measurements for the total
T2K-II statistics are on-going and will take few months to converge.
These should be compared to a clear and quantitative assessement from the theory
community about the uncertainty on C/O cross-section modelling (still missing!).
NuSTORM cross-section measurements (K.Long)
Post-poned to next meeting