_____________________ 1 *********SYNCHING A SHARE********* _____________________ Hello and welcome, THIS IS A TUTORIAL ON HOW TO SYNC A SHARE IN CERNBOX. Once somebody shares a folder with you on CERBOX, you have access to the contents of that folder at the moment it was shared with you. If the files and folders are constantly being modified you might decide to set up a synchronisation to your desktop so that you will always have the latest modifications. When a user shares a folder with you, you will receive an email via CERNBox: Here you can see who shared the folder with you and the name of the folder. In this email it is important to keep in mind this string, which will be useful for later. You can click on the CERNBOX hyperlink to see the folder that has been shared with you. On your main files page, you can click on “Shared with you” and you will be able to see the shared folder. Each folder has a unique identifier, in case certain folders have the same name. Now you can proceed by opening your CERNBOX sync desktop client. If the client is already installed, you can directly click on the icon on your device. If you haven’t installed the client yet. You can find it by clicking on “Help and Download Clients” and then on “Desktop sync clients”. On this page you can download the client for your operating system. After you have clicked on the icon, on the CERNBOX sync desktop client, to add the synchronisation of the sender's folder to your (local) folder, click on 'Add Folder Sync Connection': Now you will have to select a local folder where the syncronized files will be located. You can create a new one for this purpose, for example here we have created this folder. Click on “Select folder”. In this case you can ignore the warning that will appear. Your folder will display as the chosen local folder for the synchronisation. Click ‘CONTINUE’ to choose the remote folder that will be kept in sync with this local folder: Now you will have to copy and paste the string we saw before from the email notification you received about the shared file. You can ignore the warning. Click on “Continue”. Finally, you can click on “Add Sync Connection” to enable the sync: The synchronization is ongoing. The green check shows that the remote and local files are in sync. This is what is being synched And this is your local folder. In a similar way, IF YOU HAVE WINDOWS OR MAC, synchronized folders in your device will show a green check, like this. Congratulations, now you know how to synchronize a share in CERNBOX. Thank you for your attention, and see you in the next tutorial!