ASP2018 Forum

Auditorium 1, Namibia University of Science and Technology (Brahms Street)

Auditorium 1, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Brahms Street

Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Windhoek Namibia. The dinner will be at the University of Namibia, 340 Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue (Old Hostel)
Anicia Peters (Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia)


The ASP Forum consists of presentations, talks, discussions and debate in one day during ASP. Local and international policy makers in matters of education and research, lecturers, ASP conference participants, students, teachers, industries, research and education institutes, and the media participate in this event. The objective is to discuss and adapt the role of the ASP program to better align with the research and education priorities of African countries.

The School Dinner will take place at 19:00 at the University of Namibia, 340 Mandume Ndemufayo Avenue (Old Hostel) Windhoek, Namibia.