In order to implement the driver and readout functions for several types of scientific CCD detector, decreasing the size of electronics of CCD detector system and reducing the total power dissipation for a large scale mosaic CCD detector system, ASIC driver and readout chip was designed using Global Foundry 180nm BCDlite technology. The CCD driver which is called BCDA (Bias Clock Driver ASIC)...
We present a dual-channel optical transmitter (MTx+) and an optical transceiver (MTRx+) for front-end readout electronics. MTx+ utilizes two Transmitter Optical Sub-Assemblies (TOSAs) (Truelight Part No. TTF-1F59-427) and MTRx+ uses a TOSA and a Receiver Optical Sub-Assemblies (ROSA) obtained from CERN. Both MTx+ and MTRx+ receive multimode fibers with standard Lucent Connectors (LCs) as the...
The European X-ray Free-Electron Laser (XFEL.EU) is operating with bunch trains at a repetition rate of 10 Hz since October 2017. Each train consists of 2700 photon bunches with a temporal separation of 220 ns corresponding to a frame rate of 4.5 MHz. Each photon pulse has a duration less than 100 fs (rms) and contains up to 1012 photons in an energy range between 250 eV and 25 keV. This...
For the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), the instantaneous luminosity is expected to reach unprecedented values, resulting in about 200 proton-proton interactions in a typical bunch crossing. To cope with the resultant increase in occupancy, bandwidth and radiation damage, the ATLAS Inner Detector will be replaced by an all-silicon system, the Inner Tracker (ITk)....
In the ATLAS inner tracker pixel Detector (ITK) upgrade for HI-LHC, the up stream data from the detector has to go through a 5-meter thin cable before it is received by an optical module for optical link to control room. The cable mass is expected to be minimized, which limits the bandwidth of the cable that is much less than the data rate. Due to the high-frequency loss of the cable, the...
Among the current and planned experiments of neutrinoless double-beta decay
(0νββ), the high-pressure gaseous Time Projection Chamber (TPC) stands out for its excellent energy resolution, very low radioactive background level and good scalability. Moreover, high position resolution can be maintained with an appropriate charge readout scheme for gaseous TPC to further suppress the background...
Time measurement is the basic measurement requirement in high-energy physics experiment and also one of the two basic measurements in nuclear electronics which are time measurement and energy measurement. Time measurement in nuclear physics and particle physics experiments is mainly for high-precision measurement of short time intervals, and time-to-digital converters are the central...
850nm VCSEL array light source combined with multi-mode fibers has been prevailingly employed in the commercial short-range data transmission scenarios with the advantages of relatively easy driven, low cost, high density and reasonably high bandwidth. Besides, the natural radiation-tolerant feature of the GaAs-based VCSEL also makes this combination very competitive in the high-energy physics...
Heavy ion beam therapy is becoming an ideal treatment for cancer. China is building a heavy ion beam therapy facility in Lanzhou. Beam monitoring system in the therapy facility ensures the beam energy deposition can accurately cover the dedicated tumor region. On the purpose of building a high-precision beam monitoring system, we are developing a Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS) in a 180...
**CMOS monolithic pixel detector technology is one of the options considered for the outer layer of an upgraded ATLAS pixel detector in 2026. A Serial Powering scheme is foreseen for the new inner tracking detector for the Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS experiment. The modules will be placed in series and powered on by a constant current source to reduce material budget and power losses. At the...
Fully depleted pixel sensors with a thickness ranging from the 10s to the 100s of micrometers find many applications in X-ray, particle and near infrared imaging. Unlike the mature technologies used to fabricate visible-light image sensors, that rely on a few micrometers of active silicon, the fabrication of fully-depleted image sensors on thick silicon substrates still poses several...
The ΔE-E telescope system at the HIRFL-CSR External Target Facility is proposed to study the reaction mechanism and unique structure of weakly bound nuclear in elastic scattering and burst reaction experiment. The silicon pixel detector is one of the major sub-detectors in this telescope system. In to order to fulfill the requirements of spatial resolution, energy resolution, linear range and...
The LHCb Vertex Detector (VELO) will be upgraded for the run III (scheduled to start in 2021) to a lightweight, pixel detector capable of 40 MHz readout and operation in very close proximity to the LHC beams. The thermal management of the system will be provided by evaporative CO2 cir- culating in micro-channels embedded within thin silicon plates. This technique was selected due to the...
The radiation tolerance is considered the main obstacle for space research with cosmonauts and in the colonization of the Solar system. The orbit radiation has a destructive effect for the electronic systems (unreliability, Single Event Upset (SEU), degradation of component properties), device mechanics (natural damage) and naturally to the living organism, including humans. The ionizing...
Time-over-Threshold (ToT) method is a time width signal processing applied to various area such as high energy physics and medical application. It can obtain not only a trigger timing information as an output signal rise edge, but also an incident radiation energy as an output signal time width. We have been developing ToT processing based ASICs for gamma-ray imaging devices. The current mode...
We developed a front-end ASIC for a CdTe pixel detector as a part of a R&D effort toward advanced hard X-ray or gamma-ray imaging devices for applications in a variety of fields such as astronomy, medical research and non-destructive analysis. The ASIC is designed for a hybrid configuration where each CdTe pixel can be vertically bump-bonded to a corresponding pixel circuit. The chip consists...
Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) detectors have been of interest for X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy operating room temperature [1]. The use of CZT detectors has helped to increase both efficiency and effectiveness of detector performance in many applications, such as nuclear medical imaging and industrial imaging systems. However, the performance of the pixelated CZT detectors in the imaging...
Analog waveform sampler, the soul of radiation detectors performing a multitude of functions has to evade Single-Event Transients (SETs) in its timing reference. The propagation of transients from the timing generator to the analog memory causes timing non-linearity due to variation in the inverter delay responsible for the sampling speed leading to catastrophic failure of the waveform...
We present a newly developed modular and multiplatform acquisition and control package dedicated for high performance Timepix 3 pixel detector. The software package was originally developed for operation at Atlas experiment. Afterwards, it was further extended as an independent package for general purpose measurements with Timepix 3.
Timepix 3 detector is a semiconductor detector of 256x256...
The key challenges in the recent nuclear and High-Energy Physics (HEP) experiments are high reaction rate and data rate. The data rate, the product of the event size and the reaction rate, ranges from 107 up to more than 1011 Bytes/s. This huge amount of data cannot be entirely recorded and processed during offline analysis. Interestingly, physicists have interest only in a very small...
An alternative calibration method of pixel detector Timepix has been developed. Unlike a standard per-pixel calibration method where just single pixel tracks of low energy gammas and fluorescence roentgens are used as an input, the new method is based on the evaluation of charge distribution within multi pixel tracks of energetic alpha particles.
The new method gets practicable if energy of...
The All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory (AMEGO) is a probe-class mission in consideration for the 2020 decadal review designed to operate at energies from ~200 keV to >10 GeV. Both Compton scattering and pair-production events must be considered in the AMEGO design since the interaction cross section has a crossover at a few MeV. AMEGO is made of four major subsystems: a plastic...
In this presentation results obtained in beam test experiments with 3D columnar pixel sensors interconnected with the RD53A readout chip are reported. RD53A is the first prototype in 65nm technology issued from RD53 collaboration for the future readout chip to be used in the upgraded pixel detectors. The interconnected modules have been tested on hadron beam at CERN before and after...
Calorimetry in high-energy physics is rapidly evolving, with new challenges and a wide variety of technologies being employed, both for signal creation and detection. Advances in large-area highly-segmented detectors are providing possibilities for high-granularity calorimetry. The CMS HGCAL, being designed to replace the existing CMS endcap calorimeters for the HL-LHC era, is one example. It...