25 October 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Talk by Markus Nordberg (IdeaSquare)

25 Oct 2017, 17:00
Building 3179 (CERN)

Building 3179


IdeaSquare Building - Next to the Globe of Innovation and Science (SXL1)


Markus Nordberg is the Head of Resources Development of the Development and Innovation Unit at CERN, Switzerland. He is currently involved in launching a sensor and imaging R&D initiative called ATTRACT (www.attract-eu.org) aiming at both scientific and societal impact. He also manages the new IdeaSquare initiative at CERN (cern.ch/Ideasquare) that hosts detector R&D and society-driven MSc-student projects. Prior to this function, he served 12 years as the Resources Coordinator of the ATLAS project at CERN (www.atlas.ch).

He has also served as Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Centrum voor Bedrijfseconomie, Faculty ESP-Solvay Business School, University of Brussels, and as a member of the Academy of Management, Strategic Management Society and the Association of Finnish Parliament Members and Scientists, TUTKAS. He has a degree both in Physics and in Business Administration.

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Markus Nordberg
25/10/2017, 17:00
Building timetable...