Jun 11 – 15, 2018
Villa Monastero
Europe/Zurich timezone

Production of strange particles and hypernuclei in spallation reactions from the coupling of intranuclear cascade and de-excitation models.

Jun 14, 2018, 5:45 PM
Villa Monastero

Villa Monastero

Varenna (Italy)
Potential, strangeness, pion Potential, strangeness, pion


Jason Hirtz


Motivated by a renewed interest of hypernucleus studies, strangeness degree of freedom was implemented in the intranuclear cascade model INCL.

INCL takes care of the first stage of reactions between a nucleon (or a light cluster) and a nucleus at energies from a few tens of MeV up to a few GeV. After emission of fast particles, a hot remnant nucleus is produced and then another model, combined to INCL, treats its de-excitation (the Abla model in our case).

INCL was known as a reliable model in the non-strange sector for energies up to 2-3 GeV [1] and, after 2010 with implementation of the multiple pion emission, up to ~15 GeV [2,3]. Since at those energies other particles can play a (smaller) role, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, new experiments on hypernuclei in several facilities are in progress or planned, K’s, $\Lambda$‘s and $\Sigma$‘s have been added as participant particles in INCL. Most important reactions involving these particles are also included. Concerning hypernucleus production, the de-excitation code Abla was also upgraded with evaporation of $\Lambda$'s and fission of hypernuclei (hyper-fission).

Main ingredients will be discussed and results compared to experimental data will be shown. Kaon spectra obtained from experiments with several targets and at different energies show good agreements most of the time. Role of the Delta-induced Kaon production will be discussed and other specific channels mentioned. Much less data exist on $\Lambda$ spectra, however data from the HADES collaboration were used and here also the results are very encouraging, especially compared to other models. The main remaining discrepancy was analysed and will be explained. Finally, hypernucleus production rates will be compared to the very rare existing data. In addition, we put constraints on the $\Lambda$-nucleus potential by combining those experimental data to our calculation results.

[1] S. Leray et al., J. Korean Phys. Soc. 59 791-796 (2011).
[2] S. Pedoux and J. Cugnon, Nucl. Phys. A 866, 16-36 (2011).
[3] D. Mancusi et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 53, 80 (2017).


Dr Jean-Christophe David (CEA) Dr Alain Boudard (CEA) Prof. Joseph Cugnon (University of Liège) Dr Sylvie Leray (CEA) Dr Davide Mancusi (CEA) Dr Jose Luis Rodriguez-Sanchez (CEA - GSI) Dr Georg Schnabel (CEA)

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