AIDA-2020 - Academia meets Industry - Non Destructive Testing

Centro San Domenico

Centro San Domenico

Centro San Domenico Piazza S. Domenico, 13, 40124 Bologna BO, Italy

The AIDA-2020 Industry Academia event aims at fostering synergies between detector R&D programmes of AIDA-2020 members and the industry, by creating awareness of strategic R&D topics in academia and of strategic industry needs for which industry-academia collaborations could be envisaged.

The second Academia meets Industry will focus on Non Destructive Testing, and will consist of technical talks by industry and academic partners, industrial exhibition for industrial partners and a Network Cocktail Reception.

The event will be hosted by INFN at Centro San Domenico in Bologna from Monday, 23 April 2018 starting at 13:30 until Tuesday, 24 April 2018 ending at 12:30. 

Organizing Committee:

  • Aurelie Pezous (CERN)
  • Paolo Petagna ( CERN)
  • Gian Mario Bilei (INFN Perugia)
  • Massimo Caccia ( University Insubria) 
  • Cinzia Da Via (University Manchester)
  • Joao Andrade ( CERN)

For questions or further information related to AIDA-2020 meetings, please contact the Local Organizing Committee.

Registration Form
  • Abdenour LOUNIS
  • Alessia Bruni
  • angelo rivetti
  • Anna Macchiolo
  • Antonio Nigro
  • Antonio Pedretti
  • Arjan Noordermeer
  • Aurelie Pezous
  • Aurelija Vaitkuviene
  • Ayman Abu Ghazal
  • Blerina Gkotse
  • Chiara Meroni
  • Daniele Fasanella
  • David Murer
  • David Santos
  • David Smith
  • E. Giulio Villani
  • Elisa Fontanesi
  • Emanuele Cavallaro
  • Emi Tamura
  • Emil Espes
  • Enrico Billi
  • Fabian Huegging
  • Fabrizio Montagnoli
  • Fazinic Stjepko
  • Federico Ravotti
  • Felix Sefkow
  • Gian Luigi Alberghi
  • Giorgio Turchetti
  • Giovanni Calderini
  • Hans Brouwer
  • Hans Radhoe
  • Henri Lukinmaa
  • Herve Mathez
  • Ivan Vila Alvarez
  • Jan Dreyling-Eschweiler
  • Joao Andrade
  • José Sousa
  • Juozas Vaitkus
  • Kees Revenberg
  • Konrad Elsener
  • Ladislav Andricek
  • Laurent Colson
  • Leszek Zawiejski
  • Lisa Borgonovi
  • Livia Lapadatescu
  • luca seralessandri
  • Marcel Demarteau
  • Marco Sumini
  • Marek Idzik
  • Massimo Caccia
  • Massimo Placidi
  • Michael Campbell
  • Miguel Pretelli
  • Miroslav Sulc
  • Mitja Predikaka
  • Mohamed Ghita
  • Mokrane DAHOUMANE
  • Norbert Wermes
  • Paolo Giacomelli
  • Paolo Massimi
  • Paolo Petagna
  • Paolo Tombini
  • Paul Colas
  • Paulo Fonte
  • Pavel Kudrna
  • Peter Hobson
  • philip van meer
  • Plamen Iaydjiev
  • Richard Kaderabek
  • Richard Lanza
  • Roberto Guarino
  • Romain Muller
  • Roman Pöschl
  • ronaldo bellazzini
  • Sabrina El Yacoubi
  • Sebastien Murphy
  • Sohail Amjad
  • Thibault MAQUET
  • Thorsten Achterkirchen
  • Tomas Hofbauer
  • Tomasz Wojton
  • Vladislav Minukhov
  • York Haemisch
Academia meets Industry survey