Participants: Simon Albright, Fanouria Antoniou, Jean-Baptiste Bonnamy, Chiara Bracco, Dario Carloni, Gian Piero Di Giovanni, Jose Antonio Ferreira Somoza, Alessandro Floriduz, Vincenzo Forte, Eve Fortescue-Beck, Robert Froeschl, Greta Guidoboni, Matthias Haase, Christoph Hessler, Iñigo Garcia Lamas, Jorge Maestre, Bettina Mikulec, Antony Newborough, Gabor Petrika, Sylvie Prodon, Benoit Riffaud, Andrea Santamaria Garcia, Frank Schmidt, Lorenzo Teofili.

Approval of minutes

The minutes of the LIU-PSB WG #206 were approved.


Changes in management


Follow-up of open actions

C. Bracco, V. Forte (2018-02-06): Study collimation and losses in the injection line.

New action: C. Bracco (2019-06-01): Long-term study for collimation in the BI-line (mid 2019).

E. Grenier-Boley (2017-12-31): Report about the status of the beam stopper certification for the 2 GeV operations (BTP.STP10).

M. Buzio (2018-01-16): Provide document describing the specifications of the B-Train system.

M. Buzio (2018-01-16): Investigate and report the options for implementing an online field measurement in the switching dipole BT.BHZ10.

B. Riffaud (2018-01-16): Provide a proposal for the support of the equipment in the BTP line.

T. Dobers (2017-12-05): Make a list of starting points of the transfer lines to be sent for approval in an EDMS document.

New action: T. Dobers: Produce the tilt measurement tool and perform measurements on spare / future magnets.

G. Petrika (2018-01-16): Specify the steps to be taken during the removal of the heaters during the YETS.

G. P. Di.Giovanni (2018-01-16): Find space to store the materials for the Finemet cavities installation.

F. Boattini (2018-01-16): Follow-up of the tip-over issue concerning the installation of the power converters in building 245.

Thermomechanical simulations on the PSB scraper (Iñigo Lamas García)

Thermal simulations (a good thermal contact is lost at ~95°C)

Mechanical simulations



Preliminary design of the BTP line (Benoit Riffaud)


EVM update (Sylvie Prodon)

Tour de Table

Julie Coupard reported through email that the YETS ECRs are all released except the one for the new SEMGrid in 4L1. She also reported that the LS2 ECRs will be submitted in the coming weeks. Integration will be confirmed at the integration meeting before the submission of the ECR.

Next LIU-PSB meeting: 6th of February on the status of the installation of the POPS-B converters in B245 by F. Boattini and a summary of the removal of the heating units in the BTM by G. Petrika.