The path to a neutrino mass sum measurement from cosmology

23 Aug 2018, 15:20
RAI-G-041 (Zürich)



Rämistrasse 74


Thejs Brinckmann (RWTH Aachen)


Cosmology presents the best hope of measuring the sum of neutrino masses in the future. The CMB has already been a treasure trove of information and will continue to provide ever more precise information with upcoming or proposed CMB experiments, such as LiteBird, CMB-S4, CORE, and PICO. These missions will have great synergy with other branches of cosmology. In particular, massive neutrinos leave a distinct imprint on the matter distribution of the universe, which upcoming large-scale structure surveys Euclid and the SKA will observe with unprecedented levels of precision. The uncertainty in modelling of non-linear structure formation is often neglected in other forecasts, or scales corresponding to this regime are entirely removed. In this work, we take into account that our understanding of non-linear modelling is imperfect. We show that a neutrino mass sum measurement is all but guaranteed from cosmology in the next decade and that this statement is robust to choice of cosmological model or modelling of non-linear effects.

Affiliation RWTH Aachen
Academic position PhD student
Email address

Primary author

Thejs Brinckmann (RWTH Aachen)


Presentation materials