Inclusive and exclusive semileptonic decays of the B meson to D and D^* mesons yield inconsistent values of Vcb. This tension might be understood with knowledge of the behavior of the form factor as a function of the recoil parameter. However, experimental measurements can't disentangle the form factor from the differential decay rate, and lattice QCD calculations for the D^* final state have so far provided results only at zero recoil. We present preliminary blinded results from our analysis of the form factors for B¯→D⋆ℓν¯ decay at non-zero recoil from the lattice using 15 MILC asqtad ensembles with Nf=2+1 flavors of sea quarks and lattice spacings ranging from a≈0.15~fm down to 0.045~fm. We discuss the impact that our results will have on |V_cb| and R(D*).