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10–16 Jun 2018
Dalhousie University
America/Halifax timezone
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Why do lithium-ion batteries eventually die and what to do about the situation.

14 Jun 2018, 09:05
McCain Ondaatji Hall (Dalhousie University)

McCain Ondaatji Hall

Dalhousie University

Plenary Speaker / Conférencier(ère) plénier(ère) Other Sessions or Meetings / Autres séances ou réunions R-PLEN1 Plenary Session | Session Plénière - Jeff Dahn, Dalhousie University


Prof. Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University)


Lithium-ion batteries used in smart phones last several years. However, they must last at least a decade in electric vehicles and many decades in electrical energy storage systems. In this lecture I will explain why Li-ion batteries eventually fail and introduce simple methods we have invented to rank lithium-ion cell lifetime in experiments that only take a few weeks. These simple methods are crucial for researchers, battery manufacturers and users who cannot test new battery chemistries for years and years to identify better batteries.

Primary author

Prof. Jeff Dahn (Dalhousie University)

Presentation materials

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