Lattice PDF Workshop, 6–8 April 2018

room: 0101 (College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center)

room: 0101

College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center

College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center,

MCFP Workshop on Lattice Parton Physics 
Maryland Center for Fundamental Physics (MCFP)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD

April 6-8, 2018


Taku Izubuchi (BNL)
Karl Jansen (DESY)
Xiangdong Ji (University of Maryland/TD Lee Institute, Shanghai)
Jianwei Qiu (JLab)
Feng Yuan (LBNL)

Understanding the internal structure of the nucleon and nuclei in QCD is of
fundamental importance in sub-atomic physics. A major focus of research on 
this topic is the partonic structure of the nucleon, including its spin structure.
There have been great advancements and breakthroughs through the fruitful
investigations in the last few decades. Great opportunities in the near future
with continuing projects from polarized proton collisions at RHIC, Brookhaven
National Lab, the 12 GeV upgrade at Jefferson Lab, and the planed electron-ion
collider (EIC) will undoubtedly deepen our understanding of the fundamental
questions associated with nucleon structure. In particular, the EIC will provide 
unprecedented precision in exploring many of the outstanding questions.
In line with these experiment upgrades and future plans, we envision that the
theory developments should be advanced as well. Among them, lattice QCD, 
which provides first principle QCD computations, becomes the most prominent tool. 
In particular, it has provided more and more important insights in our understanding 
of partonic structure of the nucleon. This is not only because the computer power 
available became stronger, but also because the novel computational techniques 
in the form of the development of nowadays most efficient algorithms has 
significantly advanced lattice QCD calculations. More importantly, new ideas 
have also emerged in recent years to undertake the difficult task to solve the 
non-perturbative problems associated with the parton distributions. 

Of course, challenges are still ahead. In particular, although there have been
strong efforts in the lattice community to study parton physics, we need more
collaboration and dedicated efforts in performing the computations.  We believe 
it is the right time to bring together experts working in lattice  QCD and phenomenologists 
working in hadron structure to discuss the relevant open questions. Through detailed 
discussions, we shall be able to identify the most important questions in parton physics 
which can be rigorously addressed by lattice QCD, and set a prioritized working list 
for the relevant physics topics. All these activities are in coordinating with the on-going 
efforts from the hadron physics community with the existing experiments upgrades 
and future plans.

We intend to have a small group of experts working on QCD, to discuss the
current status of the theoretical developments, and future perspectives. The
meeting will be organized in a very informal way, mainly focusing on the
exchange of ideas.  Other interesting topics will also be covered to encourage
new ideas and collaborations.

  • Anatoly Radyushkin
  • Andre Walker-Loud
  • Andreas Metz
  • Aurora Scapellato
  • Bipasha Chakraborty
  • Charles Shugert
  • Christopher Monahan
  • Colin Egerer
  • Constantia Alexandrou
  • Dan Zhang
  • David Lin
  • David Richards
  • Feng Yuan
  • Fernanda Steffens
  • Gunnar Bali
  • Henry Lamm
  • Huey-Wen Lin
  • Iain Stewart
  • Jeremy Green
  • Jian Liang
  • Jianhui Zhang
  • Jianwei Qiu
  • Jiunn-Wei Chen
  • Joseph Karpie
  • Juan Guerrero
  • Karl Jansen
  • Keh-Fei Liu
  • Krzysztof Cichy
  • Liu Chuan
  • Luchang Jin
  • Markus Ebert
  • Martha Constantinou
  • Michael Wagman
  • Nikhil Karthik
  • Peter Petreczky
  • Phiala Shanahan
  • Raza Sufian
  • Ross Young
  • Sergey Syritsyn
  • Swagato Mukherjee
  • Taku Izubuchi
  • tanjib khan
  • William Detmold
  • Xiangdong Ji
  • Xu Feng
  • Yan-Qing Ma
  • Yi-Bo Yang
  • Yizhuang Liu
  • Yong Zhao
  • Yu-Sheng Liu
  • Zohreh Davoudi