21–23 May 2018
Topland | Hotel & Convention Center Phitsanulok
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Study fish crackers from NARATHIWAT province drying for low oil by microwave oven

22 May 2018, 10:45
Lopburi Room

Lopburi Room

Oral Environmental Physics, Atmospheric Physics, Geophysics and Renewable Energy A14: Environment


Mr mutafa yapha


In this research, we investigated the drying of fish cracker from Narathiwat province by microwave oven. It will study the electric power transfer to microwave power. For fish cracker drying, we measure mass and moisture content various with time, density of fish cracker before and after drying, humidity absorption. By study at electric power 300W and 500W. The result at electric power 300 W, it transfer to microwave power 44.58 W and a electric power of 500 W, the microwave power is 206.21 W. The mass change with time after drying at electric power 300 watts various by equation m=1.62x10-3t2-3.70x10-2t+2.68. And electric power 500 watt mass change by equation m=2x10-6t2-1x10-3t+2.74. For fish cracker put centre of disk moisture content decrease faster than rim of disk. Fish cracker put at centre has humidity absorption more than rim of disk and electric power 500 W can absorb humidity faster than electric power input 300 W.

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