22–27 Jul 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Probing Velocity Dependent Self Intereacting Dark Matter with Neutrino Telescopes.

24 Jul 2018, 15:40


Talk Indirect Detection 2.4 Theory


Prof. Ivone Albuquerque (University of Sao Paulo)


In this talk velocity dependent self-interacting dark matter models (vdSIDM) will be considered. A brief discussion on how dark matter self interactions might alleviate potential CDM problems at small scales will be presented. Following it will be shown that data already collected by the IceCube-DeepCore neutrino telescopes can probe most of the interesting vdSIDM parameter space. Finally that indirect detection through neutrinos can compete with the strong existing limits from direct detection experiments, specially in the case of isospin violation.

Primary author

Prof. Ivone Albuquerque (University of Sao Paulo)

Presentation materials