Jul 22 – 27, 2018
US/Eastern timezone

(Poster) Results from the CRESST-III experiment

Not scheduled
117 (MacMillian)



Brown University Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Poster Direct Detection 4.3 Direct Detection


Philipp Bauer (Max Planck Institute for Physics)


CRESST is a direct dark matter detection experiment operating $CaWO_4$ target crystals as particle detectors at cryogenic temperatures. The third generation of CRESST detectors features nuclear recoil energy thresholds below $100eV$ combined with a sophisticated veto system for holder and surface related backgrounds in addition to the standard scintillation light based event-by-event particle discrimination technique. This allows to push the low-mass frontier for direct dark matter detection well into the sub-$GeV/c^2$ range.

The poster will focus on new results from the last data taking campaign obtained with an updated analysis scheme and a down to threshold analysis.


Philipp Bauer (Max Planck Institute for Physics)

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