Jul 22 – 27, 2018
US/Eastern timezone

Limits on Dark Matter with masses <~ GeV.

Jul 23, 2018, 4:30 PM


Talk Theory 1.6 Theory


Prof. Glennys Farrar (New York Univ.)


New and improved limits on Dark Matter interactions with baryons, for DM masses in the GeV range and below, are reported from XQC, CRESST-surface run and DAMIC (Mahdawi-Farrar 2018).
Also reported will be the recent determination of the Earth’s atmosphere of DM, which provides strong new constraints for DM in this mass range from HST’s orbital decay, storage times of liquid He and other cryogens, LHC beam lifetime and the thermal conductivity of the Earth’s crust (Neufeld, Farrar and McKee 2018). Finally, the complexity of constraining DM interactions when Born Approximation does not apply (as natural for this regime) will be discussed and first results of an exact treatment using the Schroedinger Equation will be reported (Xu and Farrar, 2018).


Prof. Glennys Farrar (New York Univ.)

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