vomrs/voms-admin attribute coordination
28-R-006 (CERN)
CH-1211 Geneva 23
1. Following relevant presentation in MWSG at EGEE06 conference
a discussion is neeeded on the use of and support for generalised attributes in VOMS and proxy credentials (see text attached).
This is part of the experiments' requirements (LHCb, ATLAS) and supported via the new voms-admin management interface. It, therefore, becomes a new requirement for the VOMRS
interface which has NOT been planned so far. This telephone meeting with the relevant developers and management aims to understand what the LCG/EGEE project's position is and make an action plan. material
2. The rolling CA handling in vomrs/voms-admin will be checked and the consequent behaviour of voms-proxy (see instructions and related bug).
3. oracle driver upgrade - vomrs should be in sync with voms-admin material.
4. tomcat/ vomrs/voms out of memory problem. Recent comments in bug #16843.
5. Review agenda of the January 2007 workshop
6. AOB
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