26–30 Nov 2018
America/Lima timezone
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Gravitational massive stealth fields from deformation method

26 Nov 2018, 16:15
Room N101, McGregor Building (PUCP)

Room N101, McGregor Building


Parallel Talk (Theory) QFT, Strings, AdS/CFT Parallel Talks B


Dr Mauricio Valenzuela (Universidad San Sebastián)


We find a large class of scalar field theories in curved spacetime which admit massive configurations with vanishing energy momentum tensor (stealth fields), therefore they do not feedback the gravitational background. We show also that other massive modes contained in these theories possess rescaled energy momentum tensors with respect to the standard (Klein-Gordon) theory, i.e. whose strenght can be smoothed or magnified accoding to the value of a single parameter, equivalent to the mass of the stealth configuration. Our result demonstrates that matter fields may produce non-standard effects in their gravity backgrounds, i.e. different of those expected from general relativity. Talk based in https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04621

arXiv 1805.04621

Primary author

Dr Mauricio Valenzuela (Universidad San Sebastián)

Presentation materials