11–13 Apr 2018
Europe/Paris timezone

A more functional bootstrap

12 Apr 2018, 10:00
Charpak Lecture Hall (LPNHE)

Charpak Lecture Hall


Sorbonne Université, Campus Jussieu, Amphi Charpak


Miguel Fernandes Paulos (CERN)


The conformal bootstrap aims to systematically constraint CFTs based on crossing symmetry and unitarity.
In this talk I will introduce a new approach to extract information from the crossing symmetry sum rules, based on the construction of linear functionals
with certain positivity properties. I show these functionals allow us to derive optimal bounds on CFT data. Furthemore I will argue that special extremal solutions to crossing form a basis for the crossing equation, with the functionals living in the dual space. As an application we reconstruct physics of QFTs in AdS2 from the properties of 1d CFTs.

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