The recent advances in Kerr lens mode locking of thin-disk laser oscillators allowed this laser technology to reach pulse durations below 50 fs at several watts of average power, which made it suitable for broadband THz generation. We demonstrate that using the direct output of the laser oscillator without any additional compression or amplification stage enables generation of broadband THz...
Most particle accelerators have been developed in laboratories for nuclear and high-energy physics. Here it will be shown which specific requirements apply for the application of accelerators and beam transport systems in radiation therapy. Aspects such as reliability and techniques for an accurate delivery of the dose at the correct position in the patient will be discussed. Also it is...
Superconductivity allows gantries to be much lighter and somewhat smaller. The use of superconducting magnets can also improve the treatment process. For our new SC gantry, we have designed specific beam optics with a very large energy acceptance. This allows a wide energy spectrum to be transported without changing the magnetic field. Different energies are needed to cover the tumor...
Non-thermal plasmas are non-equilibrium ionized gases that can be applied at room temperature and thus be used to treat heat-sensitive biological samples like seeds and plants. When dosed adequately, plasma treatment is considered to be a timely, economical and environmentally friendly technique to improve germination and growth, increase disease resistance, decrease microbial contamination...
As part of an ongoing divertor upgrade of the TCV tokamak it is planned to add gas baffles on the inner and outer wall of the vacuum vessel to form a divertor chamber of variable closure. The baffles promise to increase the compression of neutral particles in the divertor and, thereby extend the divertor research on TCV towards more reactor relevant, highly dissipative divertor regimes.
The investigation of turbulence and transport in X-point magnetic geometries is crucial to understand heat and particle deposition on the divertor target plates, one of the main issues in future plasma devices. Basic plasma devices, such as TORPEX at the SPC, play a fundamental role in this endeavour. We present ongoing efforts to achieve localised plasma production in closed field lines and...