What is the best channel or method to search for the Odderon?

In PDF fitting we have been finding that fixed-order predictions are not always adequate. For example, to describe high-precision data which is not fully inclusive in that there are always necessary pt cuts. To what extent will resummed calculations be able to address this -and will they be available to fast grid techniques?

The new results of WW MiNLO NNLOPS imply that there are in certain regions of phase space real issues with the scale choices of the MiNLO approach which result in large reweighting factors (eg for Delta_yWW for large values of this observable). Is it true that if a scale choice is inappropriate, then NNLOPS reweighting may technically work but is by no means guaranteed to provide a result formally accurate to the claimed accuracy, even from a perturbative point of view, let alone for NNLO+PS. 

Is it really possible to formally claim NNLO+PS accuracy for LHE events before showering? Would such a statement be valid for all observables over the whole phase space of the measurements? 

Should we try to separate processes which lead to the same final state? As example: In WW production we only treat the EWK vertex as signal, while also the ttbar-process contributes (which is currently treated as background). This questions gets even more relevant when going to final states which can be produced either with pure EWK vertices (WWZ, ...) or via Higgs.

Are you aware of relevant use cases where EFT parameters relevant for signal also impact significantly the background of a different process under study?

What useful measurements beyond jet shapes could help understanding substructure and reducing its modeling uncertainties?

Are there any corners of phase space of DY production that you would like to see measured (and have not been done so far) at the LHC?