3–12 May 2019
Museum Casa de los Árabes
Cuba timezone

Towards the measurement of the anisotropic pressures effects in magnetized quantum vacuum

11 May 2019, 11:00
Naviti Beach Club Varadero Hotel

Naviti Beach Club Varadero Hotel



Hugo Celso Peréz Rojas (ICIMAF)


Starting from the fact that vacuum pressure orthogonal to a constant magnetic field is negative, whereas along the field is positive, we estimate the shift of frequency for radiation moving in these directions to first order in α at small fields as compared to the Schwinger critical field Bc, and suggest ideas for its experimental test. For fields of order of or greater than 2Bc we briefly discuss the arising of an imaginary part on the vacuum energy, meaning its instability at such fields. We propose an heuristic model of bosonic electron-positron bound state leading to a ferromagnetic quantum phase transition of vacuum at critical fields 2Bc.

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