Jun 24 – 28, 2019
Crowne Plaza Brussels Le Palace
Europe/Zurich timezone

Improved concept of the Nelium Turbo-Brayton cycle for the FCC-hh beam screen cooling

Jun 26, 2019, 11:20 AM
Eva/Inno (1st floor)


1st floor

Presentation Technical infrastructure & operation Infrastructure and operation


Sofiya Savelyeva (Technische Universität Dresden)


The further development of turbo-compressors has shown that improvements in design are possible by matching the design of the cryogenic cycle to that of the compressor. Different possibilities of the beam screen Nelium Turbo-Brayton cycle arrangement are analysed. The cryogenic cycles with different arrangements of the pre-cooling turbine are studied and compared including the number of necessary turbo-compressor stages. The final concept of the system is described. A reasonable neon-helium mixture composition for efficient process performance and reduced cost will be proposed.


Sofiya Savelyeva (Technische Universität Dresden) Steffen Kloeppel (TU Dresden) Christoph Haberstroh (TU Dresden) Hans Quack (TU Dresden)

Presentation materials