Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

SAGEX Kickoff Meeting

from Tuesday 4 September 2018 (08:30) to Friday 7 September 2018 (19:00)
Queen Mary University of London (G. O. Jones Building)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
4 Sept 2018
5 Sept 2018
6 Sept 2018
7 Sept 2018
09:30 --- Registration ---
Research Talks (until 11:00) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
10:10 Welcome (Prof. Bill Spence, Vice Principal for Research, QMUL)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
10:15 Integrability, Scattering Amplitudes, and the Breaking of Yangian Invariance - Matthias Staudacher (Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
Research Talks (until 13:00) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
11:30 Iterative non-iterative Integrals in Higher Loop Calculations - Johannes Blümlein (DESY Zeuthen)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
12:15 Symbolic Summation and Integration Tools for Feynman Integrals - Carsten Schneider (RISC (Linz) & RISC GmbH)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
Research Talks (until 11:00) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
10:15 Amplitudes on plane wave backgrounds - Lionel Mason (University of Oxford)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
Research Talks (until 13:00) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
11:30 Classical effective action of dilaton gravity as the double copy of Yang-Mills theory - Jan Plefka (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
12:15 Transcendental Functions and Integrability - Volker Schomerus (DESY)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
Research Talks (until 11:00) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
09:30 Direct Solutions of IBP Systems - David Kosower (CEA Saclay)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
10:15 QCD splitting functions and cusp anomalous dimensions at four loops - Sven Moch (Universität Hamburg)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
11:00 --- Coffee ---
Research Talks (until 13:00) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
11:30 Gravity Amplitudes and General Relativity - Emil Bjerrum-Bohr (NBI Copenhagen)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
12:15 Form factors from N=4 SYM to Higgs+gluon amplitudes - Andreas Brandhuber (Queen Mary University of London)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
SAGEX Network Meetings (until 11:30) (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
09:20 Ove Scavenius (Danske Bank)   (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
09:30 Andrei Petrovskii (DreamQuark)   (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
09:40 Ekaterina Eremenko (EE Films)   (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
09:50 Erik Postma (Maplesoft)   (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
10:00 Devendra Kapadia (Wolfram Research)   (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
11:30 --- Coffee ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Research Talks (until 16:15) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
14:30 Supergravity at Five Loops - Zvi Bern (UCLA)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
15:30 Playful Constructions in Double Copy Predictions (a story about stories) - John Joseph Carrasco (CEA Saclay)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
16:15 --- Coffee ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Research Talks (until 16:15) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
14:30 N=4 SYM amplitudes and cosmic Galois theory - Lance Dixon (SLAC)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
15:30 Correlators in N=4 SYM at weak and strong coupling - Paul Heslop (Durham University)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
16:15 --- Coffee ---
Research Talks (until 17:30) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
16:45 Soft limits and Asymptotic Symmetries - Tristan McLoughlin (Trinity College Dublin)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
18:00 --- Wine reception ---
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Colloquium (until 15:30) (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
14:30 Colloquium: Some features of scattering amplitudes in string theory and quantum field theory (Prof. Michael Green, Cambridge University & QMUL)   (G. O. Jones Lecture Theatre)
20:00 --- Network Dinner (for senior SAGEX members only) ---
SAGEX Network Meetings (until 12:45) (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
12:45 --- Lunch ---
SAGEX Network Meetings (until 14:45) (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)
14:45 --- Coffee ---
SAGEX Network Meetings (until 17:00) (Room 610, G. O. Jones Building)