ATLAS+CMS combination (Luca C., David W., Javier M., B. Di Micco) - Wednesday Room Ramsey
based on 2015+2016 in preparation of the Run-2 legacy
MC settings (NLO vs LO )
Single H+HH combination
Total cross section vs k_lambda + uncertainties
2) How to make results public (J. Allison, Max S., K. Leney) - Friday 1W (17:30 - 18:30)
Tools to provide unfolded UL
How to handle bbb correlations?
Resonant: Gamma vs Mx plot?
How to reweight different widths?
cut based results
differential results in m_HH (truth vs. reco)
Special care for BDT-based results
3) EFT (S. Di Vita, M. Gouzevitch, J. Robinson) [17:30 - 18:30] 11th floor ROC
Which framework? More operators beyond O6
How to make EFT useful for model testing?
Which inputs from H and HH?
Which topology? ggF/VBF single H background?
Usage of shape benchmarks
4) BSM (M. Carena, K. Tschann-Grimm, Ian Lewis, Lian-Tao Wang, X. Carvalho) Wednesday 11th floor ROC - Room One West
Benchmark models : which one ?
Resonant: Is graviton still a good benchmark?
Interplay with VV
Motivations for H1->H2 h
Interference with SM HH (EWK-S, 2HDM) benchmark
5) ATLAS/CMS objects/analysis strategies (M.Kagan, F. Micheli, C.Vernieri) [Thursday 1W (5:00-5:45)]
Trigger strategies
B-tagging and b-jets (regression)
6) How to improve WWbb (W off-shell) [S. Shrestha, N. De Filippis - Thursday 11 ROC ]