26–30 Nov 2018
Europe/Vienna timezone

The ODE-IM correspondence and PT symmetry

29 Nov 2018, 14:25


Austrian Academy of Sciences, Dr.-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2, 1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA
Invited Talk [9] PT symmetric Hamiltonians PT symmetric Hamiltonians


Prof. Patrick Dorey (Durham University)


In this talk I will describe a surprising link between discrete structures found in two different contexts: the Stokes phenomenon as arises in problems in PT symmetric quantum mechanics, and the functional equations that encode the properties of certain integrable quantum field theories. One spin-off from this connection has been a proof of spectral reality in a set of PT-symmetric problems introduced by Bender and Boettcher, and this will also be (briefly) described.

Content of the contribution Theory

Primary author

Prof. Patrick Dorey (Durham University)

Presentation materials

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