The Side Muon Range Detector for the T2K experiment

Not scheduled
Aithousa Mitropoulos

Aithousa Mitropoulos

Megaron, Athens - Greece


Mr Takatomi Yano (Kobe University)


The T2K-ND280 near detector is located 280m downstream from the hadron production target in J-PARC for measuring the flux, the energy spectrum and the flavor contents of the initial neutrino beam. T2K will obtain the primary goal, the measurement of the mixing angle theta 13 with comparing the characteristics with those of oscillated beam at the 295km far detector, Super-Kamiokande. The Side Muon Range Detector (SMRD) is a surrounding detector of ND280 and optimized for energy measurement of large angle muons which are generated by charged-current neutrino interactions in the inner detectors. SMRD also works as the active veto detector and the cosmic ray trigger detector for the calibration of the detectors. The design of SMRD is multi-layered structure with wide plastic scintillators and iron yoke plates of the magnet providing dipole magnet field. For readout, multi-pixel photon counters are attached to the both ends of a WLS-fiber, which is embedded in the S-shaped groove of each counter. The construction of SMRD was completed in 2009 and it is being commissioned with cosmic-rays and neutrino beam. The results of commissioning, the detector performance and the study with physics beam run in 2010 will be discussed in the presentation.

Primary author

Mr Takatomi Yano (Kobe University)

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