Summary of the ATLAS IO performance investigations ================================================== Here is a summary (seen from the ROOT side) of the progress with ATLAS IO in the past 2 weeks. From Gerhard Brandt I received 1 file (file1) -AOD.067184.big.pool.root (1.3 GBytes) with 9705 branches (split=99) We have run the read tests on this file, with and without the TreeCache with versions 5.22/00d and 5.25/03. The results for 5.25/03 are shown in the table below when reading local disk files. Thanks to these files and discussions with Gerhard and Ilija, we came with several improvements in 5.25/03 that I presented at the meeting last week organized by Dirk. Meanwhile, we came with one more improvement in the SVN trunk. When writing files with 5.25/03 we now flush the basket buffers at regular intervals and the first time we do so, we also optimize the size of branch buffers. This process is automatic. I converted file1 above using the latest development and created the corresponding file2. In order to measure the pros and cons of the compression algorithm, I also created a copy (file3) of file2 with no compression. In table1 below, I show the size occupied by CollectionTree only in the 3 files: file1: 1265 MBytes, compression = 3.21 file2: 1070 MBytes, compression = 3.68 file3: 4069 MBytes, compression = 1.00 Table 1 ------- In table 2 below, I report the real time, CP time and raw disk time to read all branches from these files, making sure that the files are not in the system cache (cold files). *********************************** * file * TreeCache * TreeCache * * * 0 30 MB *********************************** * file1 * RT=658s * RT=183s * * * CP=166s * CP=126s * * * IO=510s * IO= 60s * *********************************** * file2 * RT=117s * RT=109s * * * CP=102s * CP= 99s * * * IO= 15s * IO= 12s * *********************************** * file3 * RT=160s * RT=155s * * * CP= 97s * CP= 96s * * * IO= 66s * IO= 62s * *********************************** Table 2 ------- NOTE 1 ====== From Table2 one sees that we have gained a factor 6 in real time when comparing the original ATLAS AOD file with no TreeCache (what ATLAS has been using till now) and the same file rewritten with 5.25/03 and read with the default TreeCache. Files written with the new version are between 10 and 20% smaller. Using file3, we see that ROOT I/O can achieve 61 MBytes/s for pure raw disk IO and about 25 MBytes/s to read and recreate the full event model in memory. When using a compressed file, we achieve 9.4 MBytes/s, but this correspond to about 34 MBytes/s of final event data in memory. From these results, I recommend ATLAS to write new files with 5.25/03 (will be 5.26 in about 3 weeks) as soon as possible. Reading old data with the new version will be faster, but not as fast as if you write the data with the new version of ROOT. NOTE 2 ====== Although the gains with the TreeCache seems less spectacular when reading the new files, the TreeCache is absolutely essential when running with xrootd or dCache. The TreeCache reduces (typically by a factor 10000) the number of network transactions. The improved TreeCache also removes backward seeks and improves the performance on the server side. No changes are required on the xrootd side. NOTE3 ===== We are currently running similar tests with the CMS AOD files and the first results also indicate substantial gains in realtime with all the files topologies tested so far. NOTE4 ===== All the results presented above have been obtained on my MacBookPro and the same behavior has been observed on 2 Linux systems (32 and 64 bits). NOTE5 ===== Understanding the behavior of ROOT IO is now starightforward thanks to the new class TTreePerfStats (see