------ STEP 1 ------ To run this set of tutorial examples, you need data-science python libraries installed on your computers. You have two options 1) if you have a CERN account + CERNbox you can move all files on your CERNbox area and use SWAN 2) if you don't (or if you want to run locally), you need to have python installed, with a python library manager and install the following jupyter numpy glob h5py matplotlib scikit-learn keras tensorflow (see below) FOR TENSORFLOW: there are two versions of tensorflow. If your computer has an nvidia GPU, you should install tensorflow-gpu. For this to work ok, you need to have cuda drivers installed (you can check this running the command nvidia-smi If the command gives anything other than an error (e.g., command not found), this means that you have a working GPU and you are ready to go) Otherwise, just install plain tensorflow (i.e., no -gpu) ------- STEP 2 ------- To start running the software, get a copy of the directory at this URL https://www.dropbox.com/s/vxdz9x8lrf6of0p/CHIPP_19_EPISODE_I.tar.gz?dl=0 Then you can do tar -xzf CHIPP_19_EPISODE_I.tar.gz cd CHIPP_19_EPISODE_I and start the jupyer notebook jupyter-notebook Open the .ipynb file in the jupyer/ folder, by clicking on it To execute a cell in the notebook, you need to do shift+enter