Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik 2019

from Thursday 21 February 2019 (09:00) to Thursday 28 February 2019 (12:30)
Touristic Information Center "Haus des Gastes" in Schleching, Schulstraße 4

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
21 Feb 2019
22 Feb 2019
23 Feb 2019
24 Feb 2019
25 Feb 2019
26 Feb 2019
27 Feb 2019
28 Feb 2019
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Main Speaker (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Main Speaker-1 - Silvia Masciocchi (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   ()
10:15 --- Break ---
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Main Speaker (until 12:00) ()
10:45 Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Main Speaker-1 - Shawn Bishop (TUM)   ()
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Main Speaker (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Dark Matter and Dark Detectors - Main Speaker-1 - Guy Moore   ()
10:15 --- Break ---
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Main Speaker (until 12:00) ()
10:45 Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Main Speaker-2 - Silvia Masciocchi (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   ()
09:00 Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Libero - Björn Jonson (Chalmers University of Technology (SE))   ()
10:15 --- Break ---
10:45 Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Libero - Marc Weber (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))   ()
09:00 --- free time ---
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Main Speaker (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Main Speaker-2 - Shawn Bishop (TUM)   ()
10:15 --- break ---
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Main Speaker (until 12:00) ()
10:45 Dark Matter and Dark Detectors - Main Speaker-2 - Guy Moore   ()
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Main Speaker (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Dark Matter and Dark Detectors - Main Speaker-3 - Guy Moore   ()
10:15 --- break ---
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Main Speaker (until 12:00) ()
10:45 Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Main Speaker-3 - Silvia Masciocchi (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))   ()
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Main Speaker (until 10:15) ()
09:00 Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Main Speaker-3 - Shawn Bishop (RIKEN)   ()
10:15 --- break ---
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Seminar (until 12:00) ()
10:45 Analysis chain of XENON1T - Miguel Angel Vargas Jara (U Münster)   ()
11:05 Harvesting prototype measurements for DM results - Elia Bertoldo (CRESST)   ()
11:25 Ultra-low-background for rare event searches - Christoph Wiesinger (TUM)   ()
11:45 Light detection in CRESST - Elizabeth Mondragon Cortes (Technical University of Munich (TUM))   ()
09:00 Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Libero - Krzysztof Redlich (University of Wroclaw)   ()
10:15 --- break ---
Review Seminars (until 12:15) ()
10:30 Review Seminar Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Stefan Floerchinger (Heidelberg University)   ()
11:00 Review Seminar Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Stefan Typel (Technische Universität Darmstadt)   ()
11:30 Review Seminar Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Lucia Canonica (Max Planck Institute für Physik)   ()
12:00 --- free time ---
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Seminar (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Introductory DM theory and theoretical introduction to direct detection - Rahul Mehra (U Bonn)   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Seminar (until 19:30) ()
18:30 Pulse shape discrimination with 3He proportional counters for neturon flux measurements in low background environments - Thomas Hensel (HZDR)   ()
19:00 Influence of the d(p,gamma)3He rate, effective DOFs an Newton's constant variations on BBN abundance predictions - Conrad Möckel (HZDR)   ()
event (until 20:30) ()
12:00 --- free time ---
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Seminar (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Electromagnetic properties of one-neutron and one-proton halo nuclei in Halo EFT - Wael Elkamhawy (TU Darmstadt)   ()
17:30 Radiative charged-particle reaction studies for the nucleosynthesis of heavy isotopes - Philipp Scholz (Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne)   ()
18:00 --- Break ---
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Seminar (until 19:30) ()
18:30 Introduction to axions - Jillur Rahman (TUD)   ()
19:00 Axion experimental searches - Vincent Klaer (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt)   ()
event (until 22:00) (Remigius Stüberl)
12:00 --- free time ---
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Seminar (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Influence of electromagnetic fields on hadronic observables in proton-induced collisions - Lucia Oliva (GSI, Darmstadt)   ()
17:20 Low-mass dielectron measurements in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC - Raphaelle Bailhache (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   ()
17:40 Jet-hadron correlations in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV - Jiyoung Kim (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   ()
18:00 --- free time ---
event (until 22:00) (Festsaal)
20:00 Public evening lecture - Jan Wörner (ESA European Space Agency)   (Festsaal)
12:00 --- free time ---
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Seminar (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Recent results on (anti-)(hyper-)nuclei and exotics at the LHC - Benjamin Donigus (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   ()
17:20 Production of (anti-)tritons and (anti-)alphas with ALICE at the LHC - Esther Bartsch (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   ()
17:40 Production of light (anti-)nuclei in pp collisions with ALICE at the LHC - Guido Willems   ()
18:00 --- break ---
Dark Matter and Dark Matter Detectors - Seminar (until 19:30) ()
18:30 General introduction of XENON1T - Michael Murra   ()
19:00 General introduction of CRESST - Michele Mancuso (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)   ()
12:00 --- free time ---
event (until 16:45) ()
12:30 travel to Streichenkirche   ()
13:30 Lunch at Berggasthof Streichen   ()
14:30 Streichenkriche - lecture & music - Riel Anton Andronic (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))   ()
15:45 travel back   ()
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Seminar (until 18:00) ()
17:00 High-precision mass measurements for nuclear astrophysics studies using ISOLTRAP/CERN - Mr Jonas Karthein (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   ()
17:30 A technological step towards next generation transfer experiments at HIE-ISOLDE - Christian Berner (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))   ()
18:00 --- break ---
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Seminar (until 19:30) ()
18:30 Heavy-flavour production and anisotropy in heavy-ion collisions - Andrea Dubla (GSI)   ()
18:50 J/psi production in 5.02 TeV Pb-Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector - Jorge Lopez (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   ()
19:10 Measurement of the Psi(2S) production in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV - Victor Jose Gaston Feuillard (Ruprecht Karls Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))   ()
12:00 --- free time ---
Physics with Relativistic Heavy Ions - Seminar (until 18:00) ()
17:00 Measurements of heavy-flavour jets with ALICE at the LHC - Denise Aparecida Moreira De Godoy (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster)   ()
17:20 the role of spectators in heavy ion collisions - Ilya Selyuzhenkov (GSI, Darmstadt)   ()
17:40 Strange Hadron Properties probed with Pion-Nucleus Collisions at 1.7 GeV/c - Joana Wirth (Technische Universität München)   ()
18:00 --- break ---
Understanding Element Production in the Universe - Seminar (until 19:30) ()
18:30 ICP-MS measurements of rare earth elements used as indicators for paleoenviromnmental redox conditins and mass concentration of terrestrial supernova actinides - Iuliana Stanciu (TUM)   ()
19:00 Study of shape evolution in the A-190 region and the advanced gamma tracking array - Philipp John (TUD)   ()