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5–9 Nov 2018
Suranaree University of Technology
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Electronic transport properties of sawtooth penta-graphene nanoribbons under edge passivation by non-metallic atoms

Not scheduled
Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology 111, Thanon Maha Witthayalai, Suranari, Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000


Mr Vo Trung Phuc (Can Tho University)


The transport properties of sawtooth penta-graphene nanoribbons (SS-PGNRs) are investigated using density functional theory in combination with nonequilibrium Green function. The configurations are theoretically studied in terms of a bare edge and edges terminated by non-metallic atoms (H, P, Si) such as : symmetrical edge terminations (HH-SS-PGNR, PP-SS-PGNR and SiSi-SS-PGNR) and alternate edge terminations (PH-SS-PGNR and SiH-SS-PGNR). It is found that SS-PGNR band gap can be controlled through changing various edge termination, which leads to the transition from a semiconductor to a half-metal or to a metal. In effect on transport properties, P and Si atoms improve significantly the current intensity in alternate cases. The obvious reduction of current is observed in HH-SS-PGNR and PP-SS-PGNR. Interestingly, oscillation current-voltage characteristic appears when PGNR is passivated symmetrically by Si atoms. These outcomes derive from the strong dependence of SS-PGNRs on type of terminated atom at the edge of ribbon and could be used to design novel nano-electronic devices.

Primary authors

Mr Vo Trung Phuc (Can Tho University) Dr Pham Thi Bich Thao (Can Tho University) Prof. Nguyen Thanh Tien (Can Tho University)

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