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5–9 Nov 2018
Suranaree University of Technology
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Electronic and transport features of sawtooth penta-graphene nanoribbons via substitutional doping

Not scheduled
Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology 111, Thanon Maha Witthayalai, Suranari, Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000


Prof. Tien Nguyen Thanh (Can Tho university)


In this work, electronic and transport properties of a pristine sawtooth penta-graphene nanoribbon (SSPGNR) and sawtooth penta-graphene nanoribbons doping with Silic, Nitrogen, Phosphor (Si-SSPGNR, N-SSPGNR, P-SSPGNR) are studied systematically by density-functional theory in combination with the non-equilibrium Green’s function formalism. Pristine sample and three doped samples in a similar position are terminated with H atoms. To explore in detaided the electronic and electron transport features, we compute and discuss about the structure properties, bandstructure, density of states, I-V curve, device density of states and tranmission spectrum. Our result shows that doping affects dramatically on the electronic nature and the I-V characteristic of samples. More specifically, the intensity of current of N-SSPGNR and P-SSPGNR increase by 8 orders of magnitude compared to SSPGNR while the one of N-SSPGNR change negligible. However, there are also considerable differences in I-V curves of samples doping with N and P. Our findings indicate that the doping by N, P can effectively modulate the electronic and transport properties of SSPGNRs which has not been studied so far.

Primary authors

Mr Phuc Vo Trung (Can Tho University) Dr Thao Pham Thi Bich (Can Tho University) Prof. Tien Nguyen Thanh (Can Tho university)

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