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5–9 Nov 2018
Suranaree University of Technology
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Settling behavior of YBa2Cu3O7–δ particles in Acetone in the presence of lead (IV) oxides particles

Not scheduled
Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology 111, Thanon Maha Witthayalai, Suranari, Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000


Mr Jerome Taguba (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines)


Electrophoretic deposition of YBa2Cu3O7–δ is a promising non-vacuum method of film deposition due to its simplicity and scalability. In order to produce high quality films using this technique, it is necessary for the working suspension to be stable for long periods of time. In this study, we look at the interaction of YBCO and PbO2 particles when suspended in acetone. We determine if PbO2 is a suitable compound that will allow stability in the YBCO-acetone suspension. The choice of PbO2 is based from our previous work where it was shown that PbO2 can be used as a flux during the partial melting step of the deposition process. The colloidal properties of YBCO and PbO2 in acetone were measured using hydrodynamic size and zeta potential measurements. Results show that YBCO particles are positively charged when mixed in acetone, while PbO2 particles were determined to be negatively charged. In addition, upon testing the suspension of YBCO+PbO2 in acetone, zeta potential measurements show a decrease in magnitude with respect to settling time. The addition of more PbO2 into the YBCO-acetone suspension also pushed its zeta potential values to the unstable region (|ζ| < 30 mV). Due to this relatively strong Coulombic attraction of YBCO and PbO2 particles when mixed in acetone, electrophoretic deposition of YBCO with PbO2 will be difcult

Primary author

Mr Jerome Taguba (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines)


Dr Roland Sarmago (National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines)

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