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5–9 Nov 2018
Suranaree University of Technology
Asia/Bangkok timezone

Electronic properties of Monolayer FeSe on CaF$_2$ via DFT

Not scheduled
Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology

Suranaree University of Technology 111, Thanon Maha Witthayalai, Suranari, Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District, Nakhon Ratchasima 30000


Ms Naomi Jane Jacosalem (Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology)


A recent study on FeSe thin films grown on different substrates revealed that films on CaF$_2$ substrate has the maximum $\textit{T$_c$}$ ~15 K. However, the monolayer FeSe grown on SrTiO$_3$ (STO) substrate generated much research interest when superconductivity was observed at $\textit{T$_c$}$ above 100 K by means of $\textit{in situ}$ four-point probe electrical transport measurements. There are different factors that were identified, such as the tensile strain and electron doping, which contributed to the enhancement of the $\textit{T$_c$}$. To investigate the interface effect in the superconductivity of monolayer FeSe, we calculated the structural and electronic properties of monolayer FeSe grown on CaF$_2$. Only electron pockets are observed around the M point for both NM and AFM configurations. The same feature is observed in experimental studies on 1ML FeSe/STO. This suggests that the mechanism of superconductivity of single-layer FeSe on STO and CaF$_2$ might be the same. However, further experimental research on 1ML FeSe/CaF$_2$ is necessary to verify our results.

Primary authors

Ms Naomi Jane Jacosalem (Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology) Dr Leo Cristobal II Ambolode (Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology)

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