Nov 26 – 28, 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

This event will focus on the challenges for physics event generators that need to be faced in HEP in the next decade, many of which were identified in the HSF Community White Paper.

Many physics searches will require enhanced precision, calling for generators which are both more compute intensive and have a larger spread of weights. This, coupled with an increasingly heterogeneous and concurrent processing landscape, poses serious technical challenge for much of the generator code and calls for a rethinking of how to best use precision event generator predictions.

The workshop will review the current and projected computational needs of the experiments for generating the MC samples they need to achieve their physics goals, and the plans and concerns of several generator teams, with the aim of identifying the most crucial areas where technical and organisational improvements are needed.

We aim to identify a programme of work that can be used to attract investment and focus effort in these technical areas, aiming to have software engineers who can work together with the generator authors, improving the current codes and making new theoretical advances easier to implement in a computationally efficient way. We will try to find areas where experiments can work together to use event generator codes more efficiently.

The workshop is open to all interested parties, from the experiments and the theory community, but in particular to those who write and maintain the generator codes, from the major experiments and to experts in software engineering in HEP.

This event is organised by the HEP Software Foundation (HSF) and the LHC Physics Centre at CERN (LPCC).

Contact the organisers for any aspect of the workshop or if you would like to make a suggestion for specific topics to cover.

Workshop Chairs: Stefan Hoche, Peter Richardson, Graeme Stewart, Andrea Valassi

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room
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