Experimental measurements indicate no suppression (e.g. RpPb ∼ 1) but a surprisingly large D meson v2 was measured in pPb collisions. In order to understand these results we use Trento+v-USPhydro+DAB-MOD to make predictions and propose a system size scan at the LHC involving $^{208}PbPb$, $^{129}XeXe$, $^{40}ArAr$, and $^{16}OO$ collisions. We find that the nuclear modification factor approaches unity as the system size is decreased, but nonetheless, in the 0–10% most central collisions v2{2} is roughly equivalent regardless of system size. These results arise from a rather non-trivial interplay between the shrinking path length and the enhancement of eccentricities in small systems at high multiplicity. Finally, we also find a surprising sensitivity of D mesons v2{2} in 0–10% at pT = 2–5 GeV to the slight deformation of 129Xe recently found at LHC.
Contribution type | Contributed Talk |
Track | Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia |