Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

15–17 Oct 2018
Hilton-Buffalo Thunder
US/Mountain timezone

Scientific Programme

  • Session 1: Welcome and Overview

  • Session 2: Application Oriented Research: Low Average Current

  • Session 3: Application Oriented Research: FEL

  • Session 4: Application Oriented Research: Spin Polarized Sources

  • Session 5: Application Oriented Research: High Average Current

  • Session 6: Application Oriented Research: Cathode Design

  • Session 7: Operations and Demonstrations: Normal conducting

  • Session 8: Operations and Demonstrations - Superconducting & DC

  • Session 9: Theory and Computation

  • Session 10: Theory and Computation - continued

  • Session 11: Novel Research and Applications

  • Session 12: Novel Research and Applications (and concluding discussion)

  • Poster Ression