Distortion summary - Demo of the NDimensional interactive visualization and ML regression

(Bokeh+ipywidgets based)

  • 0) Import libraries
  • 1) Load csv file with distortion and split them per sector to enable correlation
  • 2) Draw distortion as function of other distortions
  • 3) Draw Distortion as function of the TRD flux
  • 4)Load fitter and fit distortion in regions as function of other distortions
    • fit mean and median properties + model "error" estimates -from bootstrapping
    • quantiles tp probe PDF - not yet in the demo
    • inspect fit results - corealtion and time series - local data,data- fit, pulls (data-fit)/error

For time series distortion,fit - see the end of the notebook

  • distortion vs time
  • distortion-fit vs time
  • (distortion-fit)/"predicted" error vs time

0) Import libraries

  • MLpipeline.NDFunctionInterface
    • wrapper on top of Keras and sklearn algorithms for the moment (RandomForest, KNN)
    • main purpose - provide error estimates+ combined estimators (e.g weighted mean)
    • simulatianous regression and comaprison
  • TTreeHnInteractive.bokehTools
    • interactive visualization of multidimensional data
    • graphics using pandas+Bokeh
    • interface like in our old TTree based interace - but interactive
In [11]:
from distortionStudy import *
from TTreeHnInteractive.TTreeHnBrowser import *
from TTreeHnInteractive.bokehTools import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from MLpipeline.NDFunctionInterface import  DataContainer, Fitter
from TTreeHnInteractive.bokehDrawPanda import *
p3 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=250, title="template")
Loading BokehJS ...

1) Load csv file with distortion and split them per sector to enable correlation

  • csv file extracted before for combiend root trees
    • one liner ''''AliTreePlayer::selectWhatWhereOrderBy(tree,vars,selection,"",0,10000,"csvroot","data.csv");''''
  • additional derived varaible defined similar as formula "aliases" in tree
In [29]:
print("load csv file", input, df.shape, dfsplit.shape)
dfsplit=dfsplit.query("iz2x>2 & meanTRDCurrent<0.3  & abs(invTRDCurrentNorm)<0.05 & gascompH2O>0")
# list(dfsplit)
('load csv file', '/data/NOTESdata/alice-tpc-notes//JIRA/ATO-336/DistortionsTimeSeries/distortionAll.csv', (100000, 70), (5555, 92))
year period fill run time timeStart timeEnd bsign bz ir ... drphiNorm9 drphiNorm16 drphiNorm20 drphiNorm30 meanTRDCurrent invTRDCurrent deltaTRDCurrent invTRDCurrentNorm deltaTRDCurrentNorm H2O
893 2017 0 6381 282050 1510471394 1510471394 1510472715 -1 -0.5 51.424892 ... 0.902768 0.991176 1.381718 0.901476 0.046659 0.001004 0.002851 0.021528 0.06111 0.880126
894 2017 0 6381 282050 1510471394 1510471394 1510472715 -1 -0.5 51.424892 ... 0.917652 0.999134 1.321197 0.927250 0.046659 0.001004 0.002851 0.021528 0.06111 0.880126
898 2017 0 6381 282051 1510472909 1510472909 1510475194 -1 -0.5 52.678589 ... 0.872641 1.122319 1.341386 0.908417 0.047539 0.001088 0.002928 0.022889 0.06159 0.858448

3 rows × 93 columns

2) Inspect distortion as function of mean distortion

  • interactive wrapper using ipywidgets and Bokeh (similar as in old root + but with interacativity)
  • distortion in sector 2,4,6,9,16,20,30 as function of mean distortion (40 minutes sampling)
  • secondary parameters could be controlled by user defined sliders
In [15]:
Init signature: bokehDrawPanda(self, source, query, varX, varY, varColor, sliderString, p, **options)
Docstring:      <no docstring>
Init docstring:
:param source:           input data frame
:param query:            query string
:param varX:             X variable name
:param varY:             : separated list of the Y variables
:param varColor:         color map variable name
:param sliderString:     :  separated sting - list of sliders var(min,max,step, minValue,maxValue)
:param p:                template figure
:param options:          optional drawing parameters
                         - ncols - number fo columns in drawing
                         - commonX=?,commonY=? - switch share axis
File:           ~/github/RootInteractive/TTreeHnInteractive/bokehDrawPanda.py
Type:           type
In [18]:
p3 = figure(plot_width=300, plot_height=200, title="template")
plot0=bokehDrawPanda(dfsplit,"time>0","drphiMean",vars,"H2O",sliders,p3,ncols=3, commonX=1)

3) Inspect distortion as function of the TRD flux (2015-2016 data)

  • demonstation of interactive graphics using Bokeh+ipywidgets
  • distortion increasing with flux (TRD current estimators)
    • backround characterization - estimated using the radial profile of TRD currents - not exaplaing data
    • differnt bands vissible - hypothesies -gas mixture?
In [19]:
plot2=bokehDrawPanda(dfsplit,"time>0","meanTRDCurrent",vars,"H2O",sliders,p3,ncols=3, commonX=1)

4) Load fitter and fit distortion as function of other distortions

  • prepare data
  • register regression method (to be done by expert as in our TMVA interface)
  • evaluate and register regression
In [ ]:
variableX= ['drphiMean',"H2O", "iz2x",'bz',"deltaTRDCurrentNorm"]
dataContainer = DataContainer(dfsplit, variableX, varFit, [500,500])
fitter = Fitter(dataContainer)

#fitter.Register_Method('KM200','KerasModel', 'Regressor', layout = [200, 10, 10],  epochs=100, dropout=0.1, l1=0.1)
fitter.Register_Method('KNN','KNeighbors', 'Regressor')
fitter.Register_Method('RF','RandomForest', 'Regressor', n_estimators=100, max_depth=10)
fitter.Register_Method('RF200','RandomForest', 'Regressor', n_estimators=200, max_depth=10)
fitter.Register_Method('KM','KerasModel', 'Regressor', layout = [50, 50, 50], epochs=300, dropout=0.4)
for method in ['RF', 'KNN', 'RF200', 'KM']: 
    test = fitter.AppendOtherPandas(method,test)
In [21]:
iz2x 0.0022758054138493646
bz 0.008566811875477474
H2O 0.00881670515985294
deltaTRDCurrentNorm 0.010483321545737336
drphiMean 0.9698573560050829
iz2x 0.0022555640558956642
deltaTRDCurrentNorm 0.01028874299003883
bz 0.016483949046866467
H2O 0.016905959155081654
drphiMean 0.9540657847521169

4.1) Bokeh visualization of regression results

In [22]:
p3 = figure(plot_width=400, plot_height=250, title="drphiSector")
plot=drawColzArray(test," abs (invTRDCurrentNorm)<0.05&year<2017", varFit,"RF:RF200:KNN:KM","H2O",p3,ncols=2)
plot=drawColzArray(test," abs (invTRDCurrentNorm)<0.05&year<2017", "RF","RF:RF200:KNN:KM","H2O",p3,ncols=2)
In [23]:
drawColzArray(test,"abs(invTRDCurrentNorm)<0.05&year<2017", "RF","RFMedian","H2O",p3,ncols=3)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f9ccee8be10>

TRD curent model

  • make regression of the dostortion
    • flux (TRD current estimator)
    • background estimators
    • gas compostion
  • export fit errors
In [30]:
#variableX= ['meanTRDCurrent','deltaTRDCurrent','bz','bckg0Mean', 'bckg1Mean', 'bckg2Mean',"gascompH2O"]
variableX= ['meanTRDCurrent','deltaTRDCurrentNorm','bz',"H2O","iz2x", "bsign","gascompCO2"]
#variableX= ['meanTRDCurrent','deltaTRDCurrentNorm','bz',"iz2x", "bsign"]
x = DataContainer(dfsplit, variableX, ['drphiSector4'], [500,500])
fitter = Fitter(x)
fitter.Register_Method('KNN','KNeighbors', 'Regressor')
fitter.Register_Method('RF','RandomForest', 'Regressor', n_estimators=100, max_depth=10)
fitter.Register_Method('RF200','RandomForest', 'Regressor', n_estimators=200, max_depth=10)
for method in ['RF', 'KNN', 'RF200']: 
    dfsplit = fitter.AppendOtherPandas(method,dfsplit)
In [ ]:
p = figure(plot_width=500, plot_height=300, title="drphiSector2")
plot=drawColzArray(dfsplit," trdMeanMedianL0<1 & abs (invTRDCurrentNorm)<0.05&year<2017", "meanTRDCurrent","drphiSector4:RF200","H2O",p,commonX=1,commonY=1)

Time series distortion,fit

  • distortion vs time
  • distortion-fit vs time
  • (distortion-fit)/"predicted" error vs time
In [37]:
ptime = figure(plot_width=700, plot_height=150, title="template")
plot0=bokehDrawPanda(dfsplit,"trdMeanMedianL0<1 & abs (invTRDCurrentNorm)<0.05&year<2017","time","drphiSector4:deltaRF:pullRF:meanTRDCurrent","H2O",sliders,ptime,ncols=1, commonX=1)
In [ ]: