EPICS 7 Applications
- Susanne Regnell (European Spallation Source ERIC)
EPICS 7 Applications
- Susanne Regnell (European Spallation Source ERIC)
pvAccess in the real world
At the Fritz-Haber-Institute PVAccess is used for new experiments to realize high data rates (streaming).
Using RTEMS as the real-time operating system, a custom PVData structure captures data deterministically from a newly constructed fast scanning tunnelling microscope. The recorded data is sent with PVAccess to a python server.
The python server stores the data in a special file format for...
MARTe2 ( is a C++ modular and multi-platform framework for the development of real-time control system applications. The architecture promotes a bold separation between the interfacing hardware implementation (e.g. data acquisition cards), the environment details (e.g. site specific libraries for monitoring and data archiving) and the...
The ITER plant configuration system is a component of Control, Data Access and Communication (CODAC) Supervision (SUP) system and is tasked to derive machine parameters from planned experiment schedule, conduct multi-stage engineering verification process involving a wide range of codes (e.g. electromagnetic induced forces on mechanical structures, scarce resource budget management, etc.), and...