For the GAMBIT tutorial we will assume that people interested in following on their own laptops have installed GAMBIT using Docker, which removes the need to compile and wage war with library dependencies. Below we give instructions on how to install both Docker and GAMBIT. Because of the time and bandwith needed we highly recommend installing before the session. IMPORTANT: The complete installation of Docker and the GAMBIT Docker image will require ~21 GB of available disk space. The total download size is ~4GB. Install Docker ============== Mac OSX ------- Sign up for a Docker account and install "Docker for Mac" here: Launch the Docker app (the little whale icon). Linux ----- This is a little more work. Install "Docker CE" for your system by following the instructions here: Ubuntu: Debian: Fedora: The recommended installation option is found under "Install using the repository". To avoid having to run all Docker commands with "sudo", run these commands once Docker is installed sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER and log out and log in again. Info about this can be found here: Download the GAMBIT Docker image: ================================= Open a terminal and run: docker pull gambitbsm/gambit-tutorial (Go have a coffee…but only a short one…) Starting the GAMBIT Docker container: ===================================== Start an interactive session with the GAMBIT container and assign it the name 'gc': docker run -it --name gc gambitbsm/gambit-tutorial You should now have a shell with GAMBIT plus a lot of backends and utils installed. You can test that GAMBIT is working by running the following little test scan: ./gambit -rf yaml_files/spartan.yaml This will run a very quick 2D fit using MultiNest. Output files are written to the directory /work/gambit/runs/spartan To exit the Docker container: 'exit' or Ctrl-d Afterwards you probably also want to free up the system resouces by doing: docker rm gc Good -- you're now all set for the GAMBIT tutorial :) Docker cheat sheet ================== - Download a Docker image from Docker Hub: docker pull Example: docker pull gambitbsm/gambit-tutorial - List Docker images: docker images - Start a new container in interactive mode and assign it a name: docker run -it --name - Add --rm to automatically remove the container once you exit. - Add -v : to set up a shared directory. Example: docker run -it --rm --name gc -v $PWD/shared:/work/gambit/shared gambitbsm/gambit-tutorial - List all containers: docker ps -a - Exit a container (from within the container): 'exit' or Ctrl-d - Detach from container: Ctrl-p Ctrl-q - Reattach to container: docker attach - Stop a container (from outside the container): docker stop - Delete a container to free up resources: (Don't worry, you're not deleting the downloaded image.) docker container rm Example: docker rm gc - Delete all containers: docker container prune - Copy files and folders from a container to your filesystem: docker cp :/path/on/container /path/on/your/filesystem/ Example: docker cp gc:/work/gambit/yaml_files/spartan.yaml ./ (It may be easier to just set up a shared folder by using the -v flag when calling 'docker run'.)